Tuesday, September 3, 2019

True Colors Series: 1 - Hey Kiddo

1 - Hey Kiddo

"You with the sad eyes - don't be discouraged,"

I picture God saying, "Hey Kiddo!" (Don't you just love those people at church or in your family that call you Kiddo even though you might be a middle-aged, married, parent of your own kiddos? I do! It makes me feel happy .. and like a Kid-do!) 

So anyway, "Hey Kiddo! I see those 'sad eyes' of yours. I know you are hurting and I want you to remember that I am right beside you."

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
- Psalm 34:18

"Listen, 'don't be discouraged', this place here, these circumstances, this is not how your story ends."

"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; Do not be discouraged."  - Deuteronomy 31:8

Can you hear Him speaking to your heart? Perhaps wrapping up with something encouraging like: "In the mean time, keep your hopes up and your eyes on Me. I'll carry you through in My arms."

Oh friends, He is right there. No tear falls and no broken heart escapes His notice. He's got you.

Father, remind us of how You know, You see and You feel our every hurt. Remind us we are not alone. Remind us You are there and You are close for now and for always. Dry our tears. Hold, comfort, carry, and heal us.

True Colors - Introduction

About this devotional series ...

For a few years now Cyndi Lauper's song "True Colors" has been on my heart as a love song from my heavenly Father to me. Could it be He speaks to us even through secular music on the radio? Really? I mean, it's easy to find Him on Christian radio. He's obviously there in worship service when the choir sings. I suggest to you though, friends, that the Holy Spirit speaks in more ways than we can imagine and to me on the radio is one of them. Maybe it will resonate with you as well.

Lyrics to "True Colors" will appear [in this font] at the beginning of each lesson.

I will occasionally take the liberty of sharing with you what I hear His voice saying to me as I spend time with Him each day. (These thoughts, His voice in my head going to paper, will be in bold.) Please know I am not declaring my thoughts as His Words. These are my feelings; how I feel He is speaking to my heart.

For the purposes of my thoughts and sharing, verses I refer to are from the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible unless otherwise noted.

And just so you'll feel like I'm not a complete stranger, here's a little bit about me: I was born in East Texas (yee haw) in 1973 <gulp>. I married my best friend in 1995. I hatched a little in 2001 and another in 2004. Currently we have four canine furbabies. We've lived in Colorado (woo hoo) since 2007. I home-school <gasp>. I love to do Bible art journaling, travel, quilt, and work jigsaw puzzles. I've been a Jesus follower most of my life, though I spent years just being a bench warmer. I have graduated to full blown Jesus freak now. I hope your spirit and soul and all over person are blessed by something you read here.